#524, 31.3' x 11.8'- Cat/Tri Landing Craft
This design kit was developed from our 35' x 13' version (#485) to be built originally by Viking Welding as a Subchapter T marine sciences vessel. Shortly before plan submittal to the USCG the customer elected not to pursue Subchapter T. So, while the structure has been designed for Subchapter T, the plans and stability test have not be reviewed or performed by the USCG. Suffice it to say that the hull is very ruggedly built.
Among many features, the twin aft side dive doors, large roof, twin davits and hinged sampling table are but a few that make this a highly customized design for coastwise marine science work. As built, there are perimeter bench seats (folding) for 28 passengers.
Length (hull):
Beam (hull):
Wt. as rigged:
Wt. Bare Hull:
31' - 4"
11' - 10" (w/o rub rails)
10,670# (twin 225 hp outboard)
8,072# (w/ house)
Stock Weight (approx):
Blank Plate: 10,000# (w/ house)
Extrusion: 1,500#